On December 6, 2011 Mobile County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant at a residence on Thornhill Circle and arrested JESSICA LEIGH MOREE and WILLIAM EDWARD MORGAN, JR. The search warrant was a result of several anonymous tips given to the Mobile County Sheriff’s Office.
MCSO Narcotic Deputies arrived at the residence around 6:45 pm and found a working meth lab, drug paraphernalia, marijuana and four children under the age of 12 years old. MORGAN was also running a tattoo parlor out of the residence.
MCSO Deputies stated that two of the children were also present in their father’s home, Kenneth Sikes, when he was arrested back in August for manufacturing meth at his residence in Wilmer. DHR was notified by the Mobile County Sheriff’s Office. The children were turned over to relatives.
The Meth initiative, designed by the Mobile County Sheriff’s Office, targets meth users and manufactures through three areas of focus: Enforcement, Compliance and Education.
To report meth, text the word “meth” to 839863 (“textme”) or call 574-8633.