On February 23, 2012 at approximately 6:15 pm, MCSO special Operations pulled over a motor home eastbound on I-10. Traveling inside the motor home was BRIAN TAYLOR, ECHO MAYA CONNER (TAYLOR’S WIFE), MATTHEW RYAN AVERY and two children under the age of 16.
The driver and passengers refused to allow deputies to search the motor home. MCSO called the K-9 unit and he gave a positive alert on the driver and passenger doors.
Inside the motor home deputies found marijuana and drug paraphernalia in a tin box. Drain cleaner, a funnel, cold packs, and lithium batteries were found in a plastic bag and a syringe was also found wrapped and stuffed inside a guitar.
Outside the motor home in the spare tire compartment deputies found a jar with “meth” residue, a jar with camp fuel, plastic tubing and additional funnels.
Both ECHO and TAYLOR claimed the marijuana to be theirs. ECHO was charged with possession of marijuana 1st, use/possession of drug paraphernalia and 2 counts of chemical endangerment of a child. AVERY was charged with manufacturing meth, and drug paraphernalia. TAYLOR was released in order to care for the children. Warrants for his arrest were signed this afternoon. He will have the same charges as ECHO.