The Mobile County Sheriff’s Office arrested DAVID RICHARDS yesterday, July 19, 2012, for failing to register as a sex offender when he moved to Mobile County two years ago.  RICHARDS moved from the State of New York in 2010 and relocated in Mobile.  Richards failed to notify NEW YORK of his departure and also failed to notify the CITY OF MOBILE as well as MOBILE COUNTY.  Richards was discovered as a sex offender while being investigated on theft charges thru Mobile Police Department.  The MPD detective called the MOBILE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE to see if he had registered with us.  MCSO took over the case and arrested DAVID RICHARDS under the Notification Act.


Because RICHARDS has lived in Mobile for 2 years without being registered as a sex offender, MCSO would like to notify the community in case there are any victims that they need to be aware of.  If you have any information, please contact the MOBILE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE , 574-8633.